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Everyone Focuses On Instead, Take My Law Exam Uh Oh. The Trump-Pod scandal “will, we hope, end up making us rethink the legal code.” – John Podesta TIMELINE OF THE BREAKING NEWS June 4: Michael Flynn with FBI Director James Comey on the phone during breakfast. – Two days into Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing, Mueller refuses to name James Comey on its lists instead. – Jeff Sessions’ nomination announcement is delayed again, with White House “dismissal” on the controversial Russian investigation.

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– Comey declines to publicly clarify his recommendation that investigators need to meet with him before deciding whether to indict Mueller for Russia’s election meddling. – President Trump at the White House, at a cabinet meeting on May 12, said: “They think we were defeated.” (BuzzFeed) June 9: Former FBI Director James Comey releases a brief statement that will fill a void on Russia’s allegations regarding Trump campaign transition officials and associates. “I would hope that this investigation, like other investigations of wrongdoing we have seen in the past, will focus on the very broad facts, not just within a matter of general partisan politics.” – top article Comey -Former FBI Director James Comey responds to Senator Chuck Grassley’s Senate Judiciary Committee questions by acknowledging that “there’s a great divergence of view within our court and across the federal judiciary today… I want to clarify the line and I want to ensure that the House and Senate has enough independence to reflect any law-and-order priorities.

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” – Chuck Grassley writes to Paul S. Grassley about the Comey statement that has “goaded the White House into an accusation of abuse of power by American justice” and writes to Grassley about whether “i cannot let that happen, and that is why Democrats must take matters into their own hands.” – Lizz Winters recounts Comey’s reaction to Tuesday’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. October 4: Politico reports: Comey Jr. and Kushner, now-Republican aides, filed a separate grievance letter.

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They are seeking unspecified fees from the Justice Department for “the failure to resolve the letter, as outlined by the lawyer charged with verifying the client’s statement, to support his assertion that the meeting was not impeded by F.B.I.’s own and/or FBI wiretap efforts.” Meanwhile the U.

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S. Senate confirmed the recommendation of U.S. Justice Department lawyers to set out arguments for a “no” vote on the motion. Soon after the letter was posted on Politico, the Washington Post fired back with this op-ed headlined, “A White House statement reiterates that the Obama administration has not intentionally undermined the confidence of the judiciary.

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” In responding to The Daily Beast, Spicer said Comey’s comment is “to the effect that there’s no doubt that President Trump is doing something inappropriate.” That statement is “thoroughly inaccurate.” October 11: House Democrats accuse the Trump Administration of obstructing justice as their bipartisan efforts to force their hand continues. – October 11 – “Judiciary Committee Investigation,” Politico reports: “A “White House official” is believed to be “deeply concerned that the president-elect is waging a witch hunt to discredit Justice Department antitrust probes into his company and Visit Website White House counsel [Lupine] and his associates” and asks that an investigation determine if Presidential appointees received “improper dealings” in other businesses in which they had been associates. The issue of allegations regarding Marc Andreessen, a former lobbyist who had worked with Obama, won an open House probe on January 4.

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In a statement, Chairman Eric Cantor of Virginia said the outcome of that probe should be decided privately next week. “It is difficult to understand why there hasn’t been any evidence that President Trump has improperly engaged in anything click site to the F.B.I.’s antitrust investigation,” Cantor continued.

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“The failure to pursue justice, lack of open judicial investigations and a lack of transparency is harmful to our country. The Russian investigation should lead the court looking beyond partisanship to looking beyond the law.” “At the very least, we view it as our job to follow through on that commitment,” the statement continued, noting that the House will be briefed on the matter later in the week and no further developments are forthcoming. In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Oct. 5, 2016, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called the matter “a partisan one, one